RFM Analysis

RFM analysis is live in Peel!

See the RFM segments for all your customers directly from the new homepage when you open Peel. Your customers have been quantitatively ranked by their Recency, Frequency & Monetary Value. RFM analysis identifies your best customers, customers who need to hear from you ASAP, and everyone in between. This analysis puts them into groups so you can create targeted campaigns that convert more of those crucial repeat purchases.

You can then use Peel’s Audiences feature to build these lists of customers and find the commonalities and differences between these groups so you can properly target them. For example, what discount codes or products do you most loyal customers have in common? How are they different from your “Promising” and “Hibernating” customers?

“Can’t lose them” are customers who have spent a lot and made a lot of purchases but you haven’t seen them in a long time. How can you get them engaged with your content and your products? What do you need to share with them?