CSV Upload

Upload external data into Peel!

If you have external datasets that are not automatically pulled into Peel through an integration, you can import them into your account manually through our Add CSV feature.

Dataset Types Available for Import

In Peel, you are able to import the following dataset types:

  • Customer Tags
  • Ad Spend
  • Order Tags
  • Product Costs (COGS)


Best Practices:

  • Even if you only upload "required" fields, the data will still pair so long as it's in the correct format
  • Please make sure to delete empty columns that don't have data in their cells - while not always a necessary measure, doing this will help ensure that your upload goes smoothly and that the data gets pulled into Peel correctly
  • When adding values to the "ID" column, please make sure that they are unique values - otherwise, this may cause issues when uploading the data to Peel

CSV Formatting

Ad Spend
Ad Spend is linked directly to "Source".

Column NameFormatExamples
IDLetters or Numbersgid://shopify/__ , 234123123
Decimal Numbers (Ideally without Currency Character)54.67, 1021.12
Currency3 LettersUSD, CAD, GBP
Letters or NumbersGoogle, Tiktok, Pinterest
Clicks CountNumbers (No Decimals)4, 15, 2032
Conversions CountNumbers (No Decimals)4, 15, 2032
Impressions CountNumbers (No Decimals)4, 15, 2032
Revenue AmountDecimal Numbers (Ideally without Currency Character)54.67, 1021.12
Checkout Start CountNumbers (No Decimals)4, 15, 2032
Add to Cart CountNumbers (No Decimals)4, 15, 2032
Engagements CountNumbers (No Decimals)4, 15, 2032
Purchases CountNumbers (No Decimals)4, 15, 2032
Landing Page ViewsNumbers (No Decimals)4, 15, 2032
SourceLetters or NumbersGoogle, Tiktok, Pinterest

Order Tags
This may be linked by “Order ID” or “Order Name”. Whichever you prefer to link will be a required field.

Column NameFormatExamples
Order TagsLetters or Numbersnewsletter, party_time
Order IDLetters and/or Numbersgid://shopify/Order/12341234, 1234556789
Order NameThis is dependent on your choice of prefix/suffix on your settings page. Some companies may not have this at all and order names are “Null”.Reference Order Name Format

Product Tags
This may be linked by “Product Name” or “Variant ID”. Whichever you prefer to link will be a required field.

Column NameFormatExamples
Decimal Numbers (Without Currency Character)4.67, 1021.12
Currency3 Letters3 Letters
Type of IdentifiersWhat type of Unique Identifier is this? Product ID? Variant ID? SKU?Product ID, Variant ID, SKU
Unique Identifiers
Product ID or Variant ID Related to the Type of Identifiers such as Product or Variantgid://shopify/ProductVariant/1234556, ABC12345
Product NameLetters or NumbersTest Product, Another Product 5
Variant IDLetters or Numbersgid://shopify/ProductVariant/1234556, Variant Test Name

Customer Tags
This may be linked by “Customer ID” or “Email Address”. Whichever you prefer to link will be a required field.

Column NameFormatExamples
Customer TagsLetters or Numbersloyalty, influencer
Customer IDLetters or Numbersgid://shopify/__ , 1234567890123
Email AddressLetters or Numbers containing an @ sign and .___ (Standard Email Formatting)[email protected], [email protected]

Product Costs
This may be linked by “Product ID” or “Variant ID”. Whichever you prefer to link will be a required field.

Note: Product and Variant ID's require either the full Shopify/Amazon ID to be mapped properly during the upload.

Column NameFormatExamples
Product ID
Letters & Numbersgid://shopify/Product/123455678910000
Variant ID
Letters & Numbersgid://shopify/ProductVariant/123455678910000
Decimal Numbers (Without Currency Character)4.67, 1021.12
Currency3 Letters3 Letters

Adding an external CSV

  1. Navigate to Data > Connections and Datasets.
  2. Click on Datasets.
  3. Click Add CSV to create manual dataset.
  4. In the field box, Dataset Name, enter in the unique identifier for this dataset.
  5. In the radio button selection area, choose the Dataset Type from the list: Customer Tags, Ad Spend, Order Tags, or Product Costs.
  6. If applicable, select the Linking Field from the drop down menu.
  7. Click Save. You can now upload a spreadsheet file from here. Make sure the required fields are all matching!

Note: All columns with an asterisk * are required fields for your upload.


Once uploaded, you will see the "Processing data..." screen.



How long will it take for my CSV to be available in my account?

Your CSV will be computed in the nightly data refresh/re-compute.

Having trouble uploading your CSV? Reach out to us [email protected].