Analysis for your Subscription Business
20 subscription metrics calculated with data coming from subscription platforms (Bold, Recharge + Smartrr ) You must connect your Subscription platform to be Peel in (go to your account and click Data > Datasources to add)
All of the following metrics also many segmentations available.
All segmented by Locations (cities, countries, states), Products (Product Types, Products, SKUs, Variants, Vendors), Subscriptions (Cancellation Reason, Day of the Month, Day of the Week, Order Frequency, Pre-paid)
See more below.
Report | Description |
Active Subscribers | Customers with an active subscription on record - that are not canceled or expired during any given time period. Helpful to know how many subscribers you have and how much you have grown in subscriber count over time. Subscriptions have a start date and a churned date, so Peel will count daily active subscribers over time to show trends. Active subscribers describe subscriptions that are not canceled or expired in any way. We do not count PAUSED subscriptions among active or churned. |
Active Subscriptions | Amount of active subscriptions on record that are not canceled or expired. Helpful to know how many subscriptions you have and how much you have grown in subscription count over time. It is common that for many businesses there are always more subscriptions than subscribers, as a subscriber can hold multiple subscriptions depending on your offering. |
Churned Subscribers | The number of churned subscribers on any given day. Subscriptions have a churn date due to cancelation or failed payments, so they're churned on that date. Helpful to keep track of the number of subscribers that leave your brand, so you can find ways to reverse it. |
Churned Subscriptions | The number of churned subscriptions during any given time period. Helpful to keep track of the number of subscriptions that churn over time. Note that in many deployments, subscribers have multiple subscriptions, one for each SKU/product, and it is common to churn subscriptions to replace them by a new one upon a customer's request to switch products. |
Duration of Active Subscribers | Looking at currently active subscribers, tracks the number of days since each customer's earliest subscription started: = "data": { "h-0": " / ort", "h-1": "Descrip (on any date or date range) Helpful to know how long your active subscribers stick around and stay a customer. This is best used by fast-growing brands with more active than churned subscribers. |
Duration of Active Subscriptions | Looking at currently active subscriptions, tracks the number of days since each subscription started: = "data": { "h-0": " / ort", "h-1": "Description (on any date or date range) Helpful to know how long your subscriptions last. |
Duration of Churned Subscribers | Looking at subscribers who churned on a given day, tracks the number of days since each of these churned customers' earliest subscriptions started. = "data": { "h-0": / port", "h-1": "Descrip (on any date or date range) Amount of time in days between the day a customer subscribed and their last subscription canceled. Helpful to know how long the customers that churn have subscribed to your company - knowing this information, and knowing what products they purchased can be helpful in providing experiences and outreach at specific intervals to decrease churn. |
Duration of Churned Subscriptions | Looking at subscriptions who churned on a given day, tracks the number of days since each of these churned subscriptions started. Amount of time in days between the day a customer started a subscription and their subscription canceled. Helpful to know how long the subscriptions that have churn last and knowing what products the subscriptions were on can be helpful in providing experiences and outreach at specific intervals to decrease churn. |
MRR | MRR on any given day is the sum of revenue expected per month for all active subscribers on that day. If a subscription renews every 6 weeks, we’ll count 6 (weeks) * 7 (days) / 30.5 (days) of the revenue towards the MRR, and put simply, if a $100 subscription renews every other month, we count $50 towards MRR. |
Net Sales - Subscribers | Net Sales = gross sales - discounts - returns This is counting only Net Sales from Subscribes |
Net Sales – Existing subscribers | Net Sales = gross sales - discounts - returns This is counting only Net Sales from existing Subscribers. It does not include Net Sales from New Subscribers |
Net Sales – New Subscribers | Net Sales = gross sales - discounts - returns This is only counting only Net Sales from New Subscribers. It is the Net Sales from first recurring orders. |
New Subscribers | How many people started a subscription for the first time during a specific time period. This is counting customers' first subscriptions. This metric tells us the number of subscribers. Including One Time Purchasers and people who are starting their subscription for the first time - they are both considered new subscribers. Anyone who is starting a subscription. This metric is counting customers. If you go to the metric New Subscriptions - you will see the number of subscriptions. The New Subscription number could be higher because in some businesses a customer can have multiple subscriptions. |
New Subscriptions | The number of new subscriptions on any given day. The number of new unique subscriptions. This is counting customers' subscriptions. Some customers could have multiple subscriptions. |
Subscribers Churn rate | Rate of churned subscribers during a given time period The churn rate is looking at each subscriber and counting how many of the active subscribers 30 days ago are still active today. Our definition of churn is any customer who's canceling all their subscriptions or failing to pay and the absence of a future charge scheduled. When a customer is recovered, the churn rate is revised. As a formula: it is taking the number (A) of subscribers (All) at the beginning of a time period, count the number (C) of these (All) subscribers who churned during that time period. The churn rate is = C / A as a percentage. |
Subscribers Growth Rate | # of subscribers at the end of the time period divided # of subscribers at the beginning of the time period. You want this to always be increasing. |
Subscription Revenue Rate | Percentage of revenue that is Subscription Revenue. When segmented (e.g. by product type), the percentage is for each segment = : "Net Sales – Existin / ubscribers", This allows you to answer the question - What % of overall revenue is subscription revenue. You can segment this as well to see the segmented percentage of subscription revenue compared to overall revenue. |
Subscriptions Churn Rate | Rate of churned subscriptions during a given time period The churn rate is looking at each subscription and counting how many of the active subscriptions 30 days ago are still active today. Our definition of churn is any subscription canceled or failing to pay and the absence of a future charge scheduled. When a customer is recovered, the churn rate is revised. As a formula: it is taking the number (A) of subscriptions (All) at the beginning of a time period, count the number (C) of these (All) subscriptions who churned during that time period. The churn rate is = C / A as a percentage. |
Subscriptions Growth Rate | Rate of new subscriptions during a given time period # of subscriptions at the end of the time period divided # of subscriptions at the beginning of the time period. You want this to always be increasing. |
Total Sales - Subscribers | A revenue metric that only looks at Total Sales from Subscribers. Equates to gross sales - discounts - returns + taxes + shipping charges Equates to gross sales - discounts - returns + taxes + shipping charges. Total sales will be a positive number for a sale on the date that an order was placed, and a negative number for a return on the date that an order was refunded. Note: This includes both One-Time purchases as well as Subscription Orders from Subscribers. |
All metrics above are computed around the subscriptions, so Peel segments by as many parameters available:
- Locations - cities, states, countries
- Product –
- Variant –
- SKU –
- Day of the month –
- Day of the week –
- Interval unit –
(days, weeks, months) - Interval duration –
(combined both) - Cancelation reason – cancellation_reason
In this section
Updated almost 2 years ago