Marketing Metrics

Ad spend analysis in key metrics to analyze your spend efficiently.

We take the spend data from Facebook Ads, Google Ads, TikTok Ad platforms and analyze it across revenue data we get from Shopify datasources.

Ad ClicksThe total number of ad clicks, as reported by each respective platform
Ad ImpressionsThe total number of ad impressions, as reported by each respective platform
Ad SpendTotal sum of Advertising Spend across all platforms.

You can segment this metric by platforms and campaigns, etc.
ConversionsThe total number of ad conversions, as reported by each respective platform
Cost per Acquisition (CPA)Total Marketing Spend from platforms connected to Peel divided by Total Number of New User Email Sign-ups, including users who have not placed an order yet.
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC - Signup)Total Marketing Spend from platforms connected to Peel divided by Total Number of New Customers, based on the date that the customer signs up

CAC (Sign-up) = Total Ad Spend / Number of New Customer Signups
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC - Order)Total Marketing Spend from platforms connected to Peel divided by Total Number of New Customers, based on the date that the customer places their first order

CAC (Order) = Total Ad Spend / Number of New Orders
Cost Per SessionTotal Ad Spend divided by Total Number of User Sessions
LTV to CAC Ratio (Order)LTV divided by CAC, based on the date when the customer placed their first order
LTV to CAC Ratio (Signup)LTV divided by CAC, based on the date when the customer first signed up
Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)Total conversion value (revenue) for new customers divided by advertising costs.

ROAS = Total Sales / Advertising Costs

For each $ spent on ads, it shows how much is returning in Revenue

$1 = 100%

It includes all - both new & returning, but there are segmentations to look at just New ROAS (from new customers only) and Returning ROAS (from returning customers only).
ROAS (Net)Net Sales / Advertising Costs
ROAS (Returning)Total Sales from Returning Customers / Advertising Costs
ROAS (New)Total Sales from New Customers / Advertising Costs
Return on Investment (ROI)Total Profit divided by Advertising Costs

ROI = (Gross sales-product costs- discounts-refunds) / Advertising costs

For each $ spent on ads, it shows how much are you getting back.

$1 = 100%


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